Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Halfway-Up or Down?

So, I'm here at the Bear Lake Aquatics Base of the GSLC with 10 adventurous boys.  It's late morning Wednesday, which means we've had two and a half solid days of camping.  The question is now, are we at the top of the hill, ready to rush down, or at the bottom, clawing to climb up?  Like most things in life, it's a matter of perspective.  Either way, it will be an adventure.  Here's where we are at this point.
  1. Most of the frozen and/or refrigerated items are gone or thawed, despite efforts to keep them out of the sun.
  2. 3 gallons of milk is too much for one breakfast when they can't even finish 1.
  3. Need to get two packages of bacon instead of just one.
  4. Don't leave the bread at home in the freezer.
  5. Boys really can devour a week's worth of candy in 24 hours without getting sick.
  6. Doesn't matter how hard you try to stay out of the water, a Scoutmaster will get wet and have sand in his toes.
  7. One bag of jumbo marshmallows isn't nearly enough.
  8. Don't try to save food from one campout to the next.  Some things will make it, but others . . . eww.
  9. Season the dutch ovens when you're done with it instead of before the next use . . . double eww.
  10. Having Wi-fi is a nice perk, but pales in comparison with taking a nap in a lounge chair.
  11. Attempting to build a raft is a different story than succeeding at it.  
  12. Boys have plenty of determination . . . not to do things.
  13. A pan lid and a spatula make a decent alarm bell.
  14. Whatever the BSA says is the expected costs for a class . . . double it.
  15. Ever see the movie 50 First Dates?  Imagine having ten 1-minute Hals.
Until next time . . .

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